Monday, 24 June 2013

A Book to Read When You're Having a Crap Day

Posted By Daisy
TODAY somebody projectile vomited beside me, and I had to clean up a river of puke while holding my breath discreetly and trying not to gag. My long-time day-job boss gave me a disappointingly formulaic written reference. My car started to make farting noises and after dropping it to a garage in town, I discovered that the exhaust pipe is rotten and it will cost €200 to fix. And the guy I’ve been on two dates with is now blowing hot and cold.
But…..nothing can ruin the excitement of going to Eason’s bookshop this afternoon and picking up a copy of my first glossy magazine feature - and poring over it proudly on the bus home.
Daisy opened the magazine ostentatiously on the bus, wondering if anyone realised they were sitting next to a magazine writer (albeit a small magazine that no-one in her family had ever heard of).
It only takes one nice thing to turn the whole day around - and now I feel like this!

Elevator Pitch: A seven-year-old girl puts her teenage brother behind bars after witnessing the brutal murder of her family. But what really happened that night in the blood-spattered farmhouse?

After the birth of my very sick nephew three years ago, I gave up reading violent thrillers. There was simply too much real-life suffering to bear. Despite it being compelling, I almost renounced ‘Dark Places’ as being too disturbing. But couldn’t stop myself from reaching for it in bed every night. Gillian Flynn is a brilliant writer whose writing style makes me gasp at times.
In her acknowledgments at the back of the book, Flynn writes: 'Thanks to my brilliant, funny, giant-hearted, super-hot husband...What do I say to a man who knows how I think and still sleeps next to me with the lights off?'
Not for the faint-hearted, although the ending is fairly unbelievable.


  1. Wow, a magazine writer - amazing! How wonderful to be able to reply to anyone asking what you do, "I'm a writer for a magazine," casually flicking hair. Enjoyed this : )

  2. Haha, thanks a million for your encouragement Amanda! Love your blog btw, especially the post about 'Precious Time'- v thought provoking, & def something to bear in mind after spending a wkend away with my mum & getting annoyed with her for minor reasons....there's simply no point, is there? Daisyx

  3. Great post daisy! Congrats on the magazine feature!!! Loved your last post on Camino, thanks for the tips!! Looking forward to it now x G

  4. Thanks girl, can't wait to hear all about your hols- you will have buns of steel afterwards:)xxx
