Posted by Jenny
Picking up where I
left off on a previous entry about learning squats I would like to proudly
announce that I have managed to learn the basics involved, although I still get
the occasional “Lower!” and “Lean back!” shouted at me. I credit my
achievements to having managed to maintain a basic level of fitness in between
having babies with walking (to the car) and running (after kids). The
Fundamentals Course in Strength and Conditioning is now finished and I have
progressed on to the normal classes. Go me!
Monday I did my first “Heavy – Legs” class, during which the focus was on the
Sumo Deadlift. So there I was, standing in a wide stance, lifting a bar with
weights while using the power in my legs, instead of arms and back. The maximum
I was able to lift was 60 kg. I was chuffed enough with myself, considering
this is my first time doing it. Onwards and upwards, right? (other women lift
90 kg or more….)
Well…. I paid for it the following day. The
alarm went off as usual at 6am and instead of rolling over and silencing it, I
had to do a five point turn to achieve the same thing. It was the first
physical reminder of the fact that I’m not 18 anymore, nor 21. The pain in my
back was like someone had ripped out the muscles, torn them all up, stamped on
them for good measure before shoving them all back in. Surprise!
It turned out to be one of those rare
occasions that I wore flat (ish) footwear to work. It was a physical
impossibility to wear my usual heels.
This weeks’ book
recommendation isn’t a book! It’s a cartoon… Take your kids (or borrow your
sister’s) to see “Rise of the Guardians” in the cinema! I laughed out loud a
few times. I love the idea of Santa having NAUGHTY and NICE tattooed on his
forearms. It was a great way to start the Christmas season.
Top illustration: photo credit: <a href="">713 Avenue</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
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